Friday, December 19, 2008

it is a friday and that is always good part 1

well shit kindle princess I am excited, the lady has gone off to bed.... to read the twilight novels of course (dont worry i will beat her excessively in the a.m.) and i sit here with my shitty old nes games, a movie playing (iichi the killer of course, just finished I heart huckabees again) and a whole fucking shit ton of alcohol....

i will call this part 1 becuase the plan is once i am too shitty drunk i will post again, and that post will give random passerbyes a big ol hard on for random insanity in written form... If i dont deliver well dont get mad, at least my advertisement of making a hard on didnt come as spam in your email....

anyways so i have been very ill lately, and now i really like sucking on cough drops, according to my girlfriend your only supposed to have a cough drop every four hours, but thats not what i have been doing. Not even close.

Sooooooooooooooooooo..... Nothing much right now, but if you are looking for pure brutality on the internet i came across 3 guys 1 hammer on encyclopdeia dramtica, and that is the most fucked up shit i have seen in a while, so go enjoy if you are looking for fucked up....

also called the dmetriasldkfh;a maniacs, 3 teen kids, killed tortured and mutilated 21 random people and recorded it all over a year. There is one video where they beat an old man with a hammer and gouge out his eyes witha screwdriver... Needless to say, very disturbing and my winner of most crazy thing on the internet i have found of the week...

Hopefully i remember to come back later and write incoherent shit, if not...


Monday, November 17, 2008

Thanksgiving Never Looked Better

It's Thanksgiving time again, and you know what that means: PETA is on the march, trying to convince us all to quit our Turkey habit. This year it is a Cooking Mama spoof called Cooking Mama: Mama Kills Animals (found below blabbing)... and their attempt at getting me to stop eating that delicious bird has become my new favorite office time waster.

Seriously, if you want someone to quit doing something, don't make it fun.